Suzhou Eagle Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
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Suzhou Eagle Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Guide to Driving EV Golf Carts

16 Oct .2024

EV golf carts are electric vehicles primarily used on golf courses to facilitate player movement on the course. Compared to traditional fuel-powered golf carts, the solar electric golf cart is more environmentally friendly, and it generates less noise, and has lower maintenance costs.

However, every unnecessary use of an EV golf cart adds unnecessary wear and tear to the golf course turf and causes additional soil compaction. Therefore, a reasonable EV golf cart driving guide can help reduce unnecessary turf wear and soil compaction, balancing the usage ratio of the cart with each round of play. On the course, players who use the electric car cart properly can avoid much unnecessary damage to the course.

EV Golf Cart: Proper Driving and Course Protection

  • EV golf carts should avoid the teeing area and stay approximately 30 feet away from the green.

  • Sudden turns, speeding, or abrupt stops while driving an EV golf cart can damage the turf.

  • Adhere to the 90-degree rule. Always try to protect the fairway turf whenever possible and drive on the cart path as much as possible. The 90-degree rule states that carts may travel on the fairway, but must maintain a 90-degree angle with the cart path.

  • When the course requires carts to stay on the cart path, players must drive on the designated path. Drive parallel to the landing area and then walk to the landing spot.

EV Golf Cart Driving Rules

Although driving an EV golf cart does not require a driver's license, the driver needs to understand the basic driving knowledge on the course. This ensures that driving does not damage the turf or affect others. Players should always pay attention to other players in the vicinity. If someone is about to hit the ball, you must stop and wait until they have finished hitting before continuing to drive.

Due to varying seasons and course conditions, golf courses will implement different cart driving rules. The two most common rules are as follows. One rule restricts carts to the pathway, suitable for courses with soft and wet grounds to prevent fairway turf damage. The other is the 90-degree rule. This rule requires electric vehicles golf carts to mostly drive on the pathway, but upon reaching a point parallel to the landing spot, turn at a 90-degree angle to cross the fairway directly to the ball position, and after hitting, return to the pathway the same way and continue driving. This rule allows players to drive close to their ball position while minimizing fairway turf damage.

It is essential to remember that under any circumstances on any course, carts and hand-pulled carts are strictly prohibited from driving (or pushing) onto the green and teeing area, as this can cause severe damage to the course. Usually, there will be signage on the course indicating the areas where EV golf carts can drive and park, which players should strictly follow. Additionally, safety should be a priority when using EV golf carts, including the personal safety of players and the environmental safety of the course.

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